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So appreciate your opponents; without them, you would not be able to reach the same heights
of performance. You cannot "force" optimal performance by putting yourself under increased pressure. Bring a
dimension of play to your competing. A bit cliche, but true.Second, think of the contest
as an opportunity to stretch yourself. If you are simply competing to gain personal benefit
(whether material benefit or ego), you are going to perform less well than if you
are dedicated to values, goals, and ideals that are beyond yourself. Tell yourself that it
really does matter and that you must do well. Just as important, you'll have an
enduring sense of satisfaction.David Light Shields is the author of True Competition: A Guide to
Pursuing Excellence in Sport and Society (Human Kinetics, 2009). To do your best, all your
nike tn mental energy needs to be concentrated in the present. Focus on how you can gain.
Whether you are in sports or business, whether you compete for fun or profit, there
are hidden strategies to both boost your performance and find more enjoyment in the process.
Performance deteriorates under high stress. Even when the consequences are important (in fact, especially when
they are very important), relax and have some fun. He won the Tour de France
a record-shattering seven consecutive years. So know what is important to you and find your
center of gravity beyond yourself. People handle serious situations best when they lighten up. The
attitude that "nothing is gained in a losing effort" not only robs you of potential
gains, but makes losing more likely.Third, find the middle ground between stress and relaxation. To
tn requin do your best, you need the opponent to push you. Kick yourself in the pants.
So if you tend to be rather lax, fire yourself up. Find your mission and
you'll perform at your peak. Perhaps you can gain new insights that will help you
compete better the next time around. But if you tend to get too serious or
worried, take the opposite approach. While you want to defeat your opponents, opponentsare not enemies.Fifth,
compete with a sense of deep purpose. Take this strategy and you'll enjoy yourself more,
and you'll perform better.Fourth, think of your opponent as your partner. Consider, for example, the
case of Lance Armstrong. What kept him going through one of the most mentally and
physically demanding events in all of sports? He had a mission. This is particularly valuable
when you can think of how you can benefit, even if you end up losing.
Here are five such strategies.First, to maximize your likelihood of winning (whether a game or
a contract), forget about winning! The more that you think about the outcome, the more
mental focus is drained away from the process of getting there. You gain the most
when you have tough competitors. On the other hand, you need a certain amount of
stress to shift your mind and body into full gear. He wanted to demonstrate what
cancer survivors can do. Good competition comes about when all competitors are doing well. If
you stay focused on the immediate demands that are right in front of you, winning
will take care of itself. He is also the founder and executive director of http://truecompetition.org/.

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