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Most of the losses of energy come from life so, it's rituals and mindfulness around all the subtle things we do that can build life-forces. This is how you keep your body, mind and nervous system from leaking your precious subtle energy all over the road.This almost obsessive need for order and cleanliness that I've witnessed in the Masters extends to the way they handle things. Then, he'd go put on a clean lungi and wash his and the rest of his family clothes, by hand.Then he'd disappear for his second body wash of the day. Monks, yogi's and nuns are meticulous about the cleanliness of their clothes and body. It was his ritual. Take money for example: If you observe the behaviour of a monk or nun with respect to money they handle it like it was the last single cent on earth. In a monastery even more so. Sitting in a yoga room for half an hour and then uncontrolled living will not preserve the energy created.How many offices do you see with the decorating flare of a prison? Metal drawer cabinets you wouldn't put in a punishment cell, no flowers, the smell of that disgusting cleaning fluid they use when requin tn the cleaning is trying to save money. That's for the kindergarten levels of insight. They pay extraordinary attention to their clothes, their cleanliness and the organisation of their luggage. Then we go home looking for solace from our partner who is really looking for a partner, not an invalid.Stopping the loss of subtle energy is a powerful mind-state for decision making, personal health, sport, love making and all the rest of life that requires us to turn up and it begins with the environment outside of us. Since 1976 Chris has run training programs, guided people to the highest peaks in the world, taught executives about self mastery and helped many young people in his youth programs. A uniqueness, a resilience to the instability of conventional attitudes, a real freedom that only the human heart can fully understand.Chris is a free spirit, a nomad. He follows his heart and helps others do the same. It's awful, and there's no way you can hold good energy in those spaces unless you build separate meditation rooms. Bowls are polished daily. He is dedicated to bringing people together in harmony with nature, helping them find their true nature and the nature of life.Carrying a pack, Zapatillas Puma discovering new trails, exploring the human spirit, dreaming with immensity, and gaining far away horizons: escaping the destiny of the sedentary, loving above all the supreme liberty of the human spirit at one with nature. The first being before his yoga practice of course.In Nepal, the outside environment is harsh and heating is often a small smoky fire that dusts the whole house, but there is meticulous attention to the prayer room and kitchen. To the western eye it looks like spring cleaning on a daily basis, but for the Himalayan Sherpa, tidy and clean is a mark of respect for life.I also noticed this remarkable attention to organised detail with the many entrepreneurs who have come trekking in Nepal with me. He has helped people all over the world find, live and work with more spirit, inner peace and personal harmony. They hold it respectfully and receive and give it with mindful ritual every time. This is Chris Walker's life!Like the trails he explores with a pack on his back high in the mountains, unravelling the mysteries of harmony and focus at work or in relationship creates something special for any individual who decides to explore the wonders of it. That's a real separation and loss of opportunity.Where are the pets and the bushes and the running water fountains that soothe the nerves and create harmony to the heart? The message is, "go home and get it." So, for 8 hours or more our heart and mind is in prison. Some even touch the money to their forehead to bless it when collecting or handing it out.Stopping the loss of energy does not just come from sitting on a cushion in a nicely decorated room filled with incense and chanting music. Tidy desk, tidy home, mindful action.Chris Walker - http://www.chriswalker.com.au - For 30 wonderful years Chris Walker has helped bring the beauty and harmony of nature into the lives of thousands of people. This organisation extends to our clothes, shoes, underwear, hair management and finger nails. I remember watching my old friend Sri K Pattabhi Jois, after 5 hours of teaching, lifting heavy bodies and 2 hours of his own meditation practice, cleaning the yoga room with his little hand broom and them mopping the floor. It's second nature to these guys, and the more successful the more pronounced it is. Are you ready to explore it? Chris Walker http://www.chriswalker.com.au Author, Consultant, Guide, Speaker. Boutique Reqins Cartoon Chaussures noire Collection hommenike foot locker cartoon rose chaussures,cartoon tn air max hommes

