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Have Olympics. Organize activities that your kids like and make them into an Olympic or Decathlon
format with prizes and rewards.6. Try to make the activity outside. Also, organize the neighborhood
to have regular game time that involves multiple kids and families.5. During the past two
decades the number of children who are overweight or obese has doubled. Instead use fun,
spirited and light terms to describe the activity.2. For more information on WiL Power Challenge
call 480-706-1161 extension 19.The benefits of exercise are many and include the physical: weight loss,
lowering blood pressure, preventing diabetes, as well as emotional: improved self confidence and self esteem,
being more outgoing and socially active. When first beginning an exercise or activity program, consult
with your family physician or pediatrician to make sure that all involved are healthy enough
for the rigors of the program.There are as many different options for your family activities
as there are for kids. A few examples are:1. This is a 3 month program
designed as a weight chaussures puma and body measurement reduction program for youths that involves the whole
family in exercise and proper nutrition. Again we do not want the kids to feel
like this is a chore that needs to be done, but instead we want them
to look forward to this and feel like this is fun, a reward.4. They may
tend to think of this as a chore and will be reluctant to try. Plan
social outings that involve activities such as roller skating, ice skating or trips to the
zoo where walking is encouraged.4. Play active games outdoors such as tag, capture the flag
or other games that we used to play growing up. The Economic Institute in Washington
DC has estimated that as many as 8 out of 10 children under the age
of 7 are overweight, and another study has shown that ? of all Americans between
12 - 21 years old are not physically active regularly. Go for walks or bike
rides around the neighborhood. It has been well tn documented that children learn behavior early in
life and they pattern themselves after the adults they look up to. Have treasure hunts
that make the family have to crawl, jump, climb etc to be able to find
the hidden treasure.7. This will get you outdoors as well as be visible to your
neighbors, thus becoming role models for others.2. The earlier we change from bad habits to
good habits, the more likely we are that these will become ingrained. When communicating with
your kids, stay away from using the word exercise. If you are still having difficulty
with getting started, there are programs that are designed to help such as the WiL
Power Challenge by Foothills Sports Medicine. Find out what the kids like to do and
involve them in the planning of the activities. In order to reverse the trend over
the recent times, it is up to the family as a unit to become more
active and perform exercise and play activities together.As with many noble ideas and causes, the
questions become how to get started and what is the best approach.There are a few
key ingredients to remember when beginning a family exercise program.1. Water activities at a local
pool in the summer.3. Kids, and adults for that matter, are spending too much time
indoors with TV, videogames and computer tasks. Inactive youths become inactive adults as a large
percentage. Schedule time so that these activities become a daily habit. We need to change
the environment so that the kids will be able to separate the active component from
the sedentary, task components of their lives.3. If it is raining or other poor weather
teach your kids the dance moves from your day and have them show you their
moves.The most important aspect to any exercise or activity program is to make sure it
is regular. When you factor in the increased time the family spends together and the
fun you will have with one another, everyone benefits.Vince Kame, MS, PT, ATC/L Foothills Sports
Medicine-Ocotillo 480.782.7831.
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